Outdoor Kitchen

Living fabulously beyond the walls of your home outdoors

Outdoor Kitchens Lifestyle You So Deserve

It begins with a fabulous design and ends with meticulous workmanship!

The secret success of designing and building outdoor living fabulously is to understand each and every family member’s lifestyle indoors and portray some of that comfort level outdoors.

This results in endless hours spent outdoors with friends and family.

The taste of summer backyard bbq’s fill the air everywhere. Nothing is simpler and tastier than good food over flames. However that word simpler has become blurred into OUTDOOR FOOD FABULOUS. There are so many choices of outdoor heat sources, one must really decide upon their own personal agenda, outdoor kitchen and dining intent to help aide in the direction of filtering through all these fantastic outdoor cooking appliances.

Not only has the grill improved and options become more sophisticated, it literally departmentalized itself into an arena of basic charcoal grills, stand alone grills, multi tasking burners, high end luxury grills and even a smart grill. All have a place and contribute to what America is trending about today- “outdoor food fabulous.”

We have over three decades of design build Landscapes, outdoor living and masonry and would love to be included in your next project. Tell your friends, family and favorite builders about us.

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Michael Gotowala, President and Founder of The Outdoor Kitchen Design Store by Preferred Properties, is truly an exceptional Outdoor living fabulously designer and masterful outdoor kitchen builder known to excel in the residential sector niche of Luxury Outdoor Living. Our outdoor kitchen indoor showroom provides inspiring outdoor kitchen design and products for retail, design & assembly and turnkey design build.

The difference between outdoor living and living outdoors “fabulously” is by Design.

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